Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkaatuhu,

With the Help and the Grace of Allaah, Masjid Jami Cikakak Desa Putra Jawa Limbangan Garut will be built. this year, we plan to build our mosque. However, due to the increasing cost, we are seeking your support in this matter.

Therefore, we are looking for individuals, muslim organization, and Muslim businesses like you to assist us in funding Rp. 500.000.000,- So, we are looking for 100 sponsors to donate Rp 5.000.000.

Please be generous and forward your donations to the this Program. Allaah will return this many fold in this world, and reward you immensely in the hereafter. May Allaah reward you tremendously for your efforts made in spreading the Deen of Al-Islam.

email :
Please ditransfer to : BCA No. Rek. a.n : 2951318291 Agus Efendi.
No Hp. 08129727846

Alamat Rumah : Jl Markoni 41 Komplek Krakatau Steel Cilegon - Banten